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The story of a great passion

Our story, like the one of many other wineries in Salento, began 4 generations ago in 1870, thanks to the economical growth that followed the unification of Italy. An important role was then played by the construction of the Lecce-Brindisi railway, next to which several wineries started their activities. It was there, that in 1918 our grandfathers bought the wine factory where still today we produce our wines.


The generosity of our land, that allows to obtain strong, ruby-red wines, made Squinzano, the town of origin of the Resta family, one of the most important center for wine production in the entire Salento. The new wineries, in combination with the oil-mills of the region, started a new economical growth in the Salento region, bringing jobs and more investments to Puglia.  

As the years went by, our wine production, specialised at first in the production of bulk wine, as seen a new life. We invested time and energy in the realization of a complete range of wines, to bring to the customers the true taste of Salento. A new line of bottling was installed in a renewed section of the winery, so that we are able to follow the journey of our grapes until the very last step.  

Nowadays, Luigi Resta, owner of the winery, continues with passion and hard work, to carry the winemaking tradition of the Resta family into the future.  

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